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When you access the World Wide Web via this website you assume all risks associated with the use of this website as the World Wide Web operates across insecure, public networks. You risk your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus, disabling codes or other defects or devices. Connections transmitted to and from this site could be intercepted and modified by a third person.
Links to External Web Sites
Performance Training Pty Limited has no control over the content of any linked sites, or the changes that may occur to the content on those sites. It is the responsibility of the user to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information contained in linked external web sites.
Links to external web sites do not constitute any endorsement or recommendation of any material on those sites or of any third party products or services offered by, from or through those sites. Users of links provided by this website are responsible for being aware of which organisation is hosting the web site they visit.
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Apart from any fair dealing for purposes of study, research, criticism and review, as permitted under copyright legislation, no part of these services may be reproduced, re-used or redistributed for any commercial purpose or distributed to a third party for such purpose without permission from Performance Training Pty Limited.
Performance Training Pty Limited as an RTO is bound by privacy legislation and guidelines. Performance Training Pty Limited has adopted the following Privacy Principles as the foundation for all staff working within the structure of this organisation. The Principles regulate the management of personal information and cover how and when personal information can be collected, used, stored and what security measures must be taken.
- Collection - The information must be necessary for the work being undertaken and collected fairly and lawfully. This includes the collection of resumes, certificates and other learning material. Performance Training Pty Limited staff must take steps to ensure that the information that they are collecting is from the authorised person, relevant and complete as well as inform individuals as to why they are collecting this information. This information must not be collected in an unreasonable or intrusive manner.
- Storage and security - Personal information must be stored securely to prevent its loss or misuse. Paper files are to be stored in a lockable filing cabinet in line with the Records Management procedures.
- Access and amendment - Performance Training Pty Limited must only allow authorised RTO personnel to access and/or amend personal information. This can be in line with training, assessment, and validation, moderation and/or audit (internal or external) of this information.
- Use - Performance Training Pty Limited must keep training related information for the total period of 30 years (or as directed by the relevant statutory body), either electronically or in a structured paper (file) based system.
- Disclosure - Performance Training Pty Limited will not disclose personal information to anyone without an individual's written consent.
I give consent to Performance Training Pty Limited to make any enquiries necessary to verify the information disclosed on enrolment.
By accepting these terms I agree to pay the course fees (plus GST if applicable) for the course using the payment method I have selected under this Course Enrolment.
I accept that I am required to pay the full amount on completion of the course even if I do not complete my course or fail to advise Performance Training Pty Limited of withdrawal from my course prior to commencement.
In the event that I do not complete the course within the given timeframe, my course will be immediately suspended and access denied.
Extensions will be considered on a case by case basis.
The duration of my course is stated in the Performance Training Pty Limited course description and/or advised at time of enrolment.